Bodový simulátor v Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI), Limelette, Belgicko.

▼ Bodart, M., Deneyer, A., De Herde, A. and P Wouters, P. Design of a new single-patch sky and sun simulator. Lighting Res. Technol. 38,1 (2006) pp. 73-89.

▼ Bodart, M., Deneyer, A., De Herde, A., and Wouters, P. A guide for the building of daylight scale models, Architectural Science Review,  Vol. 50, 2007. No.1, pp. 31-36.

Heliodon v MIT, USA

▼ OSSER, R., ANDERSEN, M. and NORFORD, L. 2007. Development of Two Heliodon Systems and Recommendations for their Use. Proc. of SOLAR 2007 Sustainable Energy Puts America to Work, Cleveland, vol 2, p. 685-692.